Joe's Questions - A webpage for geeks!

This website is dedicated to a person YOU REALLY DO NOT WANT TO KNOW. He will annoy you close to suicide and that is why i suggest you read and leave... DO NOT CHAT OR IM THIS FR-GEEK!

Questions Wanted to Humiliate Joe the Fr-Geek ..

Question 1: Explain the entire data proccess system.. every little bit and what it does. [posed by DSM]

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Question 2: What operating system is most commonly used for hosting PHP Sites? [posed by DSM]

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Question 3: What is the difference between a Virus, a Worm and a Trojan? [posed by DSM]

No Answer Yet

Question 4: Explain your view of hacking ethics.. explain in detail. [posed by DSM]

No Answer Yet

Wanna give him a question? Send me it here

and it WILL be put on the page.. have fun.. IF YOU CAN